I’m Quentin Hocdé,
Since 2013 I’m creating websites as a front-end developer. I graduated from Gobelins, l’école de l’image in France. After that, I’ve been working with a dream team for 6 years at Locomotive (Montreal, Canada) as a Creative Developer during the first 4 years and the last 2 years as Lead front-end. These 6 years were really important to develop my creative spirit.
I'm addicted to well thought-through animations and smart user-experiences. Small websites is what I like to create, especially for a social cause.
I also do generative art, creating algorithms which generate visuals and animations, mixing technology and colorful palettes. I’m in love with infinite mesmerizing loops but also with beautiful and smart generative compositions. I create for screens but I want to create more physical things.
In 2021 I was ready for a new challenge, I decided to go back to France, quit my job, leave Canada and buy a camping-car to travel and work on the road in Europe. It was 6 months full of adventures and creations. Now I’m based in Brussels, Belgium, working in a cool space called Fais-le toi-même with many talented creators.
Web and Art
I really like to do both, cool websites and working on my own universe.
So, depending on my mood, in this newsletter I will share :
WIP from websites I currently working on, or generative coding drafts
Websites and Artworks I made
Art and Web projects I liked
What I did
I’m front-end developer, with a creative touch. I like websites when they are hand-made, well animated with a smart user-experience.
There is some websites I developed
Since 2011, I create artworks with code (mainly Javascript)
I had the chance to be displayed at Core Festival in Brussels.
Sérénité, displayed at Maison Yoko, Lyon.

Some artworks visible on my fxhash account : fxhash.xyz/u/quentinhocde
Socials networks
I never know how to manage my socials networks. I didn’t want to mix web and art on a same platform like instagram, because it’s visually really different. But for a newsletter (100% beginner on it), it can be interesting to assumed my 2 profiles and separate art and web in different news.
For me Twitter was a great platform, It really helps me to be visible and share what I liked. But with the recent news of Twitter, I don’t know how to share my WIP, projects and what I want, maybe it’s time to rethink the way to communicate with peoples.
Follow me on Instagram 👀
quentin_internet (for web)
quentinhocde (for art)
This is Quentin's Coding news, a newsletter about web and art.